Safety at Work

If you are an employer, you should make sure you and your employees know what to do to prevent a fire in the workplace and how to escape if a fire does break out.

If you are an employee ask your employer about what to do in case of fire.

If there is a fire in your workplace get out, stay out, and call 911 – don’t try to tackle fire yourself.

There are three ways to make your workplace a safer place to be.

Know the laws and regs. Employers in various industries have responsibilities for fire safety under federal and state labor laws and regulations. You should be familiar with these laws and regulations and comply with them. You might wish to review the OSHA Fire Safety Advisor web resource.

Get fire safety training. There are a variety of fire safety training programs available for managers and employees in various industries. Remember fires can be extremely expensive events in the life of a business any many businesses do not survive the economic impact of a major fire. Fire safety training can help you avoid these risks and may well pay for itself.

Schedule a pre-plan visit from WCEC. The William Cameron Engine Company would be happy to conduct a fire safety planning visit to your business to help you identify and mitigate fire hazards. To schedule a visit, call 524-2295.

Basic Workplace Fire Safety

Fire safety in the workplace includes addressing the following:

Building Exits – The workplace should have two means of escape remote from each other to be used in case of a fire emergency. Doors must not be locked or blocked to prevent emergency use while employees or customers are in the building. Exit routes must be clear and free of obstructions and properly marked with signs designating EXIT from the building.

Fire Extinguishers – Fire extinguishers must be in place for the type of fire hazards present in the workplace. Know how to operate the fire extinguisher.

Evacuation Planning – An emergency plan describing the routes used to evacuate the building and procedures accounting for all employees should be implemented.

Preventing Fires – Stopping unwanted fires from occurring is the most efficient way to handle them. Procedures for controlling workplace ignition sources such as smoking, welding and burning must be addressed. Heat producing equipment such as burners, boilers, ovens, stoves, fryers, etc., must be properly maintained and kept clean of accumulation of flammable residues.

While specific fire safety tactics vary greatly from workplace to workplace depending on the specific hazards present an workplace activities, here’s a list of common areas of concern

  • Trash and Refuse – Dispose of daily; do not allow unnecessary accumulation.
  • Flammable Materials – Store safely in proper containers; allow no breaks in, or spills from storage containers.
  • Housekeeping – Keep the work area neat, clean and free from flammable materials.
  • Electrical Wiring – Report or repair wear and unsafe conditions.
  • Machinery – Keep clean and in good working order.
  • Combustible Materials Use and Storage – Keep well away from sources of heat (at least 3 feet).
  • Smoking – Designate a safe area, and safe disposal.
  • Ventilation – Ventilate areas where waste is stored and high-fume areas.
  • Fire Extinguishers – Keep in place the proper ones and mark them well if out of sight.
  • Exits, Hallways, and Passageways- Keep clear, unobstructed and unlocked!
  • Fire and Evacuation Alarms – All employees should recognize them and know what action to take.
  • Evacuation Plans and Procedures – Evacuations plans should be developed, employees informed of the them and they should be practiced and make sure everyone knows the procedures.
  • Electrical Equipment – Keep at a minimum clearance of at least 3 feet . Do not overload circuits.

Again, the William Cameron Engine Company would be happy to conduct a fire safety planning visit to your business to help you identify and mitigate fire hazards