The William Cameron Engine Company has a rich and well-preserved history. The department still owns its first hand-powered pump, the “Valiant”, and a steam-powered pump, the “William Cameron” presented to the borough of Lewisburg by William Cameron in 1871,
Both pieces of equipment are on display in the company museum in the 5th street building together with objects, photos, and documents from the department’s 170 year tradition of service.
You can explore WCEC history online by visiting our history pages, including:
- Lewisburg’s early fire service, 1781-1874, the period in which Lewisburg was served by a hand-powered pump.
- The founding: William Cameron buys Lewisburg a steam-powered fire engine.
- Oratory: The steamer is officially presented on February 14th, 1874.
- Who was William Cameron?
- The 1874 bylaws of the William Cameron Engine Company which set out the company motto: “Willing Hands to Save.”
- Rules for for firefighters circa 1874, “the straight and narrow way.”